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Community Projects That Need You

Do you have at least a passing interest in history preservation? Can you still piece together your grandma's letters? Become a citizen archivist for the National Archives and put those skills to some use.

If you have better computer skills than I (and you probably do if you're reading this) then use them to help find missing people.

Ethical Shopping

Sick of Amazon? Buy books from a mission driven site that partners with and gives back to local bookstores. They have ebooks too!

Diverse Media Sources

Interested in supporting women, trans and non binary creators? Check out Salty, a member supported newsletter seeking to promote and preserve voices that are too often ignored.

AskDiem is a social search engine designed to mimic how women have shared information with each other for centuries.

These Are Dumb, Just Have Fun

If you want to make a sequence of ridiculous sounds, go to this site.

If live forums are too much pressure, Bus Stop is an anonymous message site where posts disappear after 24 hours.