Can anybody hear me?
I believe that we as humans are ready to progress to our next "age" - a form of enlightenment, I guess. But it requires that our physical and mental needs are taken care of, and our current society (America) is not conducive to that. Our current society has paired morality and wealth, so people in power stay in power and for those who aren't, it is nearly impossible to gain any. This disconnect is something the government should have prevented long ago with updated tax code and minimum wage and shit like that, but the people who are supposed to protect us sided with the wealthy.
Faith based beliefs like Christianity, Islam, Tarot, etc. provide a system for retrospective reasoning. People are able to justify past events that were largely out of their control (think "thank god" or "god is punishing me/you/them" or "I expected this based on my draw this morning" or however the fuck Tarot works) and thank/blame the "higher power" that they believe to be directly controlling major events in their lives.